Monday, August 31, 2009

Fall's Falling!

My favorite time of year is almost here! I love fall. It’s just so beautiful. Living here in the Tennessee valley makes it even more enjoyable. Wherever you go you are surrounded by stunning vibrant yellows, rusty oranges, and burnt reds. Whether you see it while driving through mountains, dangling from a tree, blowing through the wind, or even crunching beneath your feet, the sight is something to stop and appreciate.

We are trying to do nothing short of that here at the flower shop. Even though mums aren’t my favorite flower, there is something about walking into our cooler and seeing all the fun fall mums in for the first time this year. They just do something for an arrangement that the color of other flowers cannot capture. Not only that, but out front, soon our floor with be covered with crotons ready to be sent out on delivery.

Another one of my favorite things is all the pretty fall wreaths that go up on every door. The ones made here are just beautiful. Something very frequently requested in wreaths, and sold alone, is bittersweet. It captures the essence of fall with its beautiful orange seeds that soon crack open to expose its stunning red center.

Overall, I just love fall. It’s beauty is unique and unsurpassed, and we do our best here to capture that beauty in everything we do.

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